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How To Unlock iOS Device For Free Using The Device’s IMEI Number

Posted in Unlock9 years ago • Written by Unlock Code GeneratorNo Comments

In this article, you will read all about unlock iOS devices in any model. Up until now, there have been many instruments offering an iOS unlock but none of them were strictly for iOS version. So, if you have a locked iPhone that you would want to work on iOS software you may want to read this article and find out how to remove the restrictions your locked phone has. We offer you our words of comfort.

About Unlock iOS Process

We want you to know that our service is legal and from a trusted unlock provider. All you have to do when starting the unlock process are a few simple steps. First of all, you will have to pick your iPhone model from the list that is offered. Next, you need to type in the IMEI number of your phone in the blank space provided for it. The third requirement from you would be to pick the network your phone is locked to.

From all the three requirements, the experience in unlocking iOS phones has shown that the trickiest info to fill is the IMEI number. It is no wonder as we tend not to notice it because we don’t realize its importance up until the moment we need it. I am sure that you have noticed that 15 digit number on the box of your phone or at the back of the battery.

Even if you didn’t know that it was called an IMEI it certainly left an impression. Anyway, the method we are offering is the Official IMEI Method. This is why it is essential for you to know your IMEI if you want your iPhone iOS to be unlocked permanently. The good thing about this method is that it unlocks all types of iOS-s versions. So you can spread this lovely information with all of your friends who have a locked iPhone, no matter the iOS.

Unlock iOS iPhone Benefits

There many great reasons why you should use this method if you want to unlock your iPhone. I will share with you only a few:

  • Having said that, it means that your device’s warranty will still be valid after you have undergone the process of iOS unlocking.
  • The iOS unlock this method provides is a factory unlock.
  • It can unlock any iOS version on any iPhone model
  • The unlock is permanent.
  • Once you order our unlock product it will be in your possession in less than two working days.
  • Our iPhone unlock tool has many other advantages; it fixes push notifications, iMessage and Facetime.
  • You only need to download our app and that’s the end of it. No additional hardware or software to install or to pay for.
  • You will know when your phone is ready to drop the lock when you will receive a notification on your iPhone. After the notification, you just connect to iTunes via your iPhone and finish the unlocking process.
  • No jailbreak to lose.
  • You can use your iTunes as if your phone was never locked. No need to worry that when you connect to iTunes your phone will lock again.

With all these jollies that come with our tool, there is absolutely no reason why not get Official IMEI Unlock. With it, you can upgrade your iPhone to the latest version. You can even upgrade your device to the iOS any version when Apple releases it, and any other iOS version that will come after that.


But what are the available methods for iOS unlock? The internet may offer you a variety of solutions but in truth, there are only three effective unlocking solutions. And they are as follows:

– Software unlock iOS method

– Hardware unlock iOS method

– Official IMEI unlock iOS method for free

Of the three methods only the third can unlock iOS any version and that’s exactly the method we recommend to you. The first two on the list will do no good when it comes to iOS unlock. The software and hardware method mentioned above generally exploit possible bugs in the hardware or software of your device. The software method deals with bugs that tend to appear in iOS, and clearly, the hardware method deals with hardware bugs. However, this method is not as advanced so it can’t fix the bugs of the latest iPhone devices.

If you wish to try the hardware and software methods for unlocking an older iOS version keep in mind that there are many complaints by people who gave these methods a chance. They may affect the voice quality of your iPhone, the quality of your calls and they are not always effective. If you want the job done I recommend that you use the last method- Official IMEI Unlock.


If anything, that proves that the process is entirely legal and safe. The Official IMEI Unlock picks your IMEI number from Apple’s database and white-lists it. All you have to worry about is finding your IMEI and filling in the basic info about your phone on our page. Your phone will be unlocked in an instant and forever.

Your iPhone device will be unlocked in the next 15 minutes if you use our online factory unlock tool on your computer. You just need to download this great tool on your PC and follow the guide on how to unlock the iOS device explained bellow.

How To Unlock iOS iPhone Device

  1. So download the unlock iOS online tool
  2. Then open the tool and connect your iPhone locked device whit your PC whit USB cable
  3. Also, choose your iPhone model
  4. Then choose your iOS version
  5. So choose your carrier
  6. Then put your IMEI Number
  7. Finally, click Unlock button

Unlock iOS 8.4

Supported Versions


So now it is very easy to unlock iOS iPhone devices for free whit our great online factory unlock iOS tool. As a result, feel free to ask all that you want to know in the comments.

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