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How To Put iPhone In DFU Mode Guide Guide Step By Step

Posted in How To9 years ago • Written by Unlock Code GeneratorComments Off on How To Put iPhone In DFU Mode Guide Guide Step By Step

Dear readers in this post today I am going to talk about how to put the iPhone in DFU mode, why it is necessary and I will thoroughly explain the whole procedure on how to enter the Apple device into DFU mode in detail. Everything will be explained in our short step by step instructions and also there will be a video guide attached to this post to give you a better picture of what exactly you are required to do.

Before I explain the procedure on how to put your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch into DFU mode I will explain to you what exactly is DFU mode and what it stands for as well as why it is necessary to know it.

How To Put iPhone in DFU Mode

iPhone DFU Mode

For example, when Apple has released some new iOS version you could’ve to do OTA update or choose to manually update by downloading the iOS firmware by yourself.

Why is it necessary

More technically explained your iPhone is into DFU mode when the boot loader is mounted and your iPhone or other iOS device is getting ready to update the iOS firmware version. In most cases, DFU mode is required when you are doing the update of the IOS manually by using custom IPSW files. And it comes quite in handy when you are doing jailbreak procedure.

How To Put iPhone In DFU Mode

All in all, it is not that complicated to enter your device into DFU mode. If you have been using some jailbreak tools such as Redsn0w to do jailbreak you have probably have had some experience with the DFU mode.

  • 1: Start by connecting your iPhone (or other Apple device such as iPad/iPod touch) to your computer. Also, make sure that you have already started iTunes
  • 2: Turn off your iPhone by holding down the Power button and slide
  • 3: Now hold down the power button for around 5 seconds
  • 4: Simultaneously press and hold down both the Home and the Power (sleep/wake ) buttons for around 10 to 15 seconds
  • 5: After you do this your Apple device will enter DFU Mode and you will notice that the screen
  • 6: After you connect your iPhone to iTunes a popup message will tell you that iTunes has detected your iPhone.

Your first time trying to enter your device into DFU mode perhaps you will need a couple of tries. Anyway, in case you notice that the Apple logo comes up while you are on the third step.


Of course, now that you no longer require the DFU mode it will be necessary to get your iPhone. It is really easy and simple procedure:

  • Step 1: Press and hold simultaneously both Home and Power buttons for around 10 seconds
  • Step 2: Release the Home button while still holding the Power button until you see the Apple logo. After that, your iPhone will be out of DFU mode.

As you can see it is easy and simple, give it a try!

If you have any questions to ask how to put the iPhone in DFU mode please write in comment bellow. We hope to help you with this guide to resolve your problem.

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