How To Sync iPhone On Multiple iTunes Libraries Full Guide
The main reason why Apple forbids sync iPhone with more iTunes libraries is that this will allow the users to share songs among each other instead of purchasing them from the iTunes Store. So every time you sync an iPhone to a different MAC or PC you will see a warning message popping up to indicate that you can sync an iPhone to only one library at a time.
So if you decide to proceed with the sync from your iPhone and the second computer, all of the contents on that iTunes Library will be automatically replaced with the content you had on your device. Then if you like to find solutions on how to stop syncing iPhone on iTunes automatically go here on this link to find a full guide to do this step by step. Just a reminder that this does not apply for contacts, calendars or settings. So they will not be affected, however, your songs and videos will. Still, in case you did not know there is a method which can enable you to use your iPhone with more than one iTunes library. You can find the necessary info just bellow.
Instructions to sync your iPhone with iTunes on multiple computers
If you use MAC follow these instructions to do it:
Step1: Open a new Finder Windows and navigate to “Go” in the top menu bar on your MAC computer that you normally use to sync your iPhone with.
Step 2: From the drop-down menu, press on “Go To Folder”
Step 3: Write ~/Music/iTunes into the text prompt. Click on the “Go” or press “Enter”
How to backup iTunes Folder
Step 4: So now when you are at this point you should be shown a list of files. You must create copies of these files to have them as backups in case you later need them. Basically, it is required to do backup only on the .itdb, .itl and .xml files as well as the previous iTunes Libraries Folder, however if you want to play it safely you should back up everything. Once you have selected all the files to press both Ctrl+C and then press Ctrl+V to create copies.
Create a copy of iTunes Persistent Library ID
Step 5: Then Launch iTunes Music Library.xml with TextEdit and copy/write down the Library Persistent ID. It consists of 16 characters and you mustn’t modify any other part from this file.
Create iTunes Backup on your Mac
Step 6: On your second Mac computer redo the first four steps. It will once again require that you backup all files or just .itdb, .itl and .xml files as well as the previous iTunes Libraries Folder.
Step 7: Close iTunes on your Secondary Mac. After that erase all of the .itl files from the previous iTunes Libraries Folder. If the folder does not exist you can simply skip the step
Replace iTunes Persistent Library ID
Step 8: Go to iTunes Music Library with TextEdit on your Secondary Mac and replace the Library Persistent ID with the 16-character string you have obtained when you did step 5. Save the file.
iTunes library it blank
Step 9: Now open iTunes Library.itl on your secondary Mac and erase all the contents of the file. Save the file.
iTunes library error
Step 10: Launch iTunes. You should see an error message. Ignore it and click OK. Now you should be able to sync your iPhone with the iTunes Library on your secondary computer
If you did all of the steps as described you should be able to sync your iPhone. To both iTunes libraries without a problem. Already existing media data on your device should not be erased after doing it.
Instructions for Windows users To Sync iPhone On Multiple iTunes Libraries
If you have a Windows computer then go to C:\Users\USERNAME\Music\iTunes instead. Repeat the step by step instructions which I have explained above. You can use Notepad. Instead of TextEdit to chance the necessary XML Files.
All of the steps by step instructions described above have already been verified. On more than 10 iTunes libraries on different MacBook Pro computers that operate on OS X Mavericks.
The first time you finish the procedure you will see an error message on iTunes: “iTunes;” does not seem to be a valid iTunes Library file. iTunes has tried to recover your iTunes library file and thus has renamed it to “iTunes Library –Damaged” Just ignore this error and press ok and your iTunes should work with the second iTunes library without problems.
So remember that by going through this procedure you will most likely violate (EULA) Apple’s End User License Agreement or some other terms and conditions.
Finally, by sharing this guide we simply want to better inform the users. So if you decide to follow the steps you are doing it at your own risk. As a result, you may lose the warranty of your iPhone or Mac if Apple notices that you have violated thee EULA or other terms & conditions.